Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Crazy runs in cat families, too.

I know I've mentioned how psychotic Lucius is, and it seems it's hereditary, as well. The one we kept is fairly normal aside of some odd eating habits, but my mom's been complaining that the one she took is so crazy that she's threatening to return her. Sorry, though; no tradebacks. And now, Megan's telling my all kinds of stories about the kitten she took, the latest being the cat laying across Megan's face and trying to smother her in her sleep. Good luck with that. No tradebacks.

You know that filter you have that makes you not say stupid things? Yeah, mine doesn't work. So many things go straight from my brain to my mouth with no pause in between. Sometimes it gets my in trouble, but mostly it just makes me look like an idiot. Exhibit A: Mike and I were talking about the windows in the car...he'll drive around with them cracked, but I have to have them either all the way up or all the way down. I told him it was because if my windows are down, I automatically stick an arm out. Now, I could have stopped talking, but NO, not me, and I continued on to say, "and it hurts every time I crack my hand against the glass if it's not all the way down." Just had to go and admit to doing stupid things...


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