Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Can't believe it...

Edmonton won again!! They didn't have to face Dallas this year, and as a result, they get to go to the conference finals. They beat San Jose last night 2-0 to clinch the series, so yay Oilers. Plus we're big Shark haters round here, and it's always nice to see them lose. And, the game started at 7:00 last night, so I didn't even have to stay up all night to see it!

School's almost over for Brandon, his last week is only a week away. Autumn's still got until the eighth, but that doesn't really affect me since I'm already gone before she even gets up in the mornings. But once Brandon's done, I won't have to get him up in the mornings anymore. I can't wait!!


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