Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Harry Potter! Yay!

I finally got the new Potter book yesterday. Usually I pre-order books, but what with one thing and another, I didn't get to this time. I love getting a book and knowing no one else has opened it yet. It's mine . Anyway, I got three hundred pages into it before I realised that it was eleven o' clock and 4:15 was going to come awfully early!

I spent my whole day painting another teacher's classsroom yesterday. We moved a few classes across campus, and they're supposed to be done Friday, but she was really behind and I told her I'd help! Hopefully we'll finish today; I'm tired of looking at red paint...


  • Hey Jenny!

    R U into Harry Potter? Would you like to join my new online Potter forum?

    I'd love to have you come by, and you'd even get an avatar of your choice! (Woo HOO!!)

    Just apparate on by...

    Dumbledore's Army

    By Blogger Kodiak, at 7:03 AM  

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