Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Friday, July 14, 2006

Road rage

They're messing with my highway.

This may be normal for those of you who live in and around cities, but I don't. I grew up with a cow pasture across the street. I've seen the local police have to chase steers off the main highway that runs through town. I'm not used to this nonsense.

I've lived in the same small town for twenty-four years. I shouldn't say small anymore, since we've experienced the explosion in the past ten years, but that's beside the point. I'm used to dealing with small-town issues.

There's always been one main road in town--Highway 287. You get on it to leave town. They widened it and added stoplights, but it's essentially been unchanged until this past Tuesday when they opened the new road. Now it doesn't make sense.

Getting on the new road to leave town isn't too weird, you just have to veer left now to get on the highway. What doesn't make sense to me is that I have to veer left off of the highway to get back on the highway. But since the road is temporarily closed (still not finished with the construction) it's not too weird. You just don't have a choice.

What's weird is coming back.

Coming back to town, I'm driving along down 287. Right before I get to town, I have to exit 287,turn left, drive under 287 and then get back on 287. Go figure. This kind of nonsense is why I don't drive in cities, and now I have to deal with it at home. Sure hope the traffic gets better to make all this worth it.


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