Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Monday, July 24, 2006

you have got to be kidding me...

poker is not a sport. It's a game that you play with your buddies; goes good with chips and beer. But it's not a sport, and even if it were, it's definitely not a spectator sport. And yet, Americans still tune in by the thousands to watch people play poker on TV. Seriously, if you're that bored, grab a deck of cards and call your friends.

But wait, there's more!!

I heard on the radio this morning that there are some people organizing a video game tournament to be broadcast on TV. Come now, that's really sinking pretty low into the depths of absurdity. Do we really lead such lackluster lives that we're content to sit in front of our TV and watch other people sit in front of their TV?!

There's a point where you should really get up off your butt and do something.

And we wonder why people from other countries think Americans are silly and lazy. Way to boost our collective image.


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