Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Monday, July 16, 2007

Star Wars are the best wars...

Mike went to the post office today and he brought back Star Wars stamps!! I'm so excited! Yay!!

We had a cookout Saturday and it was fun. And afterward we went inside and talked about Star Wars toys, and that was fun too. Cuz we're geeks. Thanks to everyone who did come, and for all of you who didn't, you're all LOSERS!! Except for those of you who had a good excuse, like you had to travel for work or you live in Oklahoma. And also my friend Jon said he might be able to help us out with some tickets to go see the Star Wars exhibit at the FW Museum. I'm really really happy about that.

My newest source of entertainment is . It's pretty funny for no particular reason except that I'm a geek and it's funny. And because I was too lazy to make a real link, the name of the site is It's All Geek To Me and it's a podcast, basically like a radio show made by these three friends Jon, Jeff and Brandon. Quality entertainment there.

2 1/2 months till hockey starts!


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