Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sweating in hockey season

It's November.

Our air went out again about a month and a half ago, but that's okay, because it's NOVEMBER, right?

Then why is it so hot?! I shouldn't wake up sweaty when I'm sleeping with the windows open in November! It seems that someone forgot to reset Texas' thermostat...

My birthday's in a few days, so as a birthday gift to me we're going to the hockey game Friday night. I'm mostly happy about it, but as atrociously as the season is going not as excited as in years past. But still, this is already the second game we've gone to this season, with the possibility of a few more to come...I like overtime pay!

Also, I'm mostly done with Christmas shopping. Hahahahahaha!!


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