Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Thursday, July 31, 2003

West Wing!!

I had hoped it would rain yesterday, but it didn't. I was sad. It thundered and lighting-ed, but no rain. Oh well. I found out last night that The West Wing is going to sart playing on Bravo in August, starting with the first episode. I'm happy. I've missed the last two seasons, and I miss watching it! I hope it's on at a decent time and not really late...hmmm, come to think of it, i hope we get Bravo...surely we do. Autumn's pep rally is on Monday, and she's sooo excited. She likes cheerleading. But she keeps saying she's going to Pepper Alley. It's pretty funny. Right now she's whining about getting her shoes on. That's not funny, it's annoying...


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