Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Sunday, August 17, 2003

I got Thursday off, and I used it wisely....I went to the store thinking that I could stay home all weekend. Unfortunatly, I forgot that I had inservice (yuck) on Saturday. Oh well, at least that was something I got paid for... I did stay home all day today, though.

Tomorrow's Autumn's first day of doesn't officially start till the 27th, but due to the different programs at school, she moves up early and goes to summer camp for a week and a half. She's excited. Mike has started his new job...he's on first shift for training, then he moves to second shift on Wednesday. Second shift is actually a good thing if he stays on it, because that way when Autumn goes to public school, I won't have to change my hours. But that's still awhile away...Um, not much else, sorry I've been so lazy about this lately!!


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