Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Erin's blog

Sorry there wasn't an entry yesterday...Erin has posted a blog too, and so I had to read can read it too at !

My yard looks like it snowed. Or a hurricane hit. It's very messy. Zephyr drug both of Missy's pillows out of the doghouse-these are big pillows, mind you, they were the back cushions of my old couch - and gutted them. Fluff all over the yard, and it's all tangled up in the's a mess. He doesn't use the pillows, so I gues he decided that they didn't need to be in there...and now poor Missy doesn't have a bed...

Autumn has big news- she discovered Sunday that she has her first loose tooth! She's very proud.

I had to do a lot of cookies last night, and now my kitchen is horribly messy. I couldn't even get my coffee pot under the tap because the sink was so full. I hope Mike takes care of the dishes today....


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