Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Bobby Knight

Would you believe Bobby Knight is in trouble again? I heard on the radio this morning that he cussed out his boss in a grocery store. Smart, huh?

I went to bed early last night and I still didn't want to get up. I don't think I slept very well, though. I kept waking up all night long. Mike was hogging the bed and the cat was playing in the hallway...I could hear her tearing up and down chasing who knows what....

I think I'm going to get a big box and fill it up with the kids old toys while they're at Nana's house today. It's way easier to do that when they're not here, you know. Brandon especially. He's got tons of cars he doesn't play with. Autumn's got lots of stuff, but it all goes together, you know? It's all Barbie or Polly or pony. She's got a lot of toys, but not much that she doesn't play with. I need to get her some sort of drawers to put her stuff in....


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