Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I can't wait!

I can't wait till hockey starts! Only 43 more days!! I know most of you just don't get it, but you try going without your very favorite thing for a year and a half and see how you like it...

Fantasy hockey started this weekend. I already set up my team, but with so much time before the season starts I may run two teams this year. The wait is killing me, I may explode before then. It's horrible!

I can upgrade my satellite to get OLN for something like 5 dollars more a month--thank God!--and plus I'll get Cartoon Network back when I do that. I miss Pinky and the Brain!

I missed a really great party in Ft Worth Saturday because it was in Ft Worth. Nothing like a bunch of Star Wars geeks in one house. Maybe next time...


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