Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Monday, August 08, 2005

Coach Gretzky

Looks like Wayne's gonna coach the Coyotes after all. Who wouldn't want to play for him?

Costume day at work is Thursday and I still haven't done Brandon's costume. I had intended to finish it this past weekend but I forgot to even start. Oops.

Keith's wedding was Saturday; it was nice. We were late getting there becuse of the rain, luckily the ceremony didn't start on time anyway. It was short, too; I hardly had to sit still at all! There were lots of people at the reception. Mike was happy because one of the guys with the Rangers was there but I can't for the life of me remember his name. He was an announcer or something like that. I like baseball and all, but if it's not hockey it just doesn't stick in my head!


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