Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Friday, May 16, 2003

Dead Bunnies!!

I suppose if it wasn't cloudy where you were, you got to see the eclipse...we didn't! I've just realized I didn't pay the water bill yesterday...oops. Hopefully I'll be able to leave 5 minutes early...maybe if I get it in before they open, it'll still be on time...

Had a nice little suprise on my doorstep yesterday...I guess the kitty was feeling particulary vicious, cuz she had bunny for dinner. Which wouldn't have been a big deal if she hadn't left the head on my doorstep. Thanks, VJ. I've no idea how that lazy cat caught a rabbit to begin with.

It's lightninging out, so Missy's freaking out. It's not the thunder that scares her, like normal dogs- it's the lightning. Wierd. I guess it's gonna rain more today...

Autumn had her pre-k graduation yesterday. She also got an award because she was the only one who knew all her numbers to 100, all her blends, and could read. She'll do just fine in kindergarten...


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