Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Friday, June 06, 2003


Man am I glad it's Friday! I had a hard time dragging my lazy butt out of bed today...
Two people got laid off of work yesterday, but it doesn't take effect till I'll be suprised if they show up, which'll really screw up my morning...I guess I'll have to pull my being in three places at once routine...I was glad to see Renee didn't have to go, I was worried she would be let go! I like her. Too bad Lauren had to go, though...I like her too.
My Devils came through for me last night...slaughtered Anaheim 6-3. Man, was it ever satisfing...too bad Brodeur had to allow three goals. Oh well, I suppose everything can't be perfect...
I baked a cake last night, and now my kitchen is trashed...I have to clean when I get home. Clutter makes me grouchy. Man, I'm glad the weekend's almost here....20 days till vacation...


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