Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Exploding Tea

I got the satellite back working, hooray! I finally got my DVD's in the mail yesterday too. I didn't end up watching any of them yesterday, though, I was too tired. I can't wait for the weekend. I like sleeping in. I did remember to pack the kid's lunches last night, so I don't have to do it this morning. I hate packing their lunches in the morning, but I never can seem to remember to do it the night before!
I think we'll have ribs for dinner. They've been sitting in the fridge for three days now, so I'm gonna go ahead and assume that they're thawed....and mashed potatoes, and peas...yum!
I had a catastrophe with my tea yesterday...I've got one of those tea jars with the spout on the bottom, you know, so you don't have to pick it up and pour it? Anyway, I forget the brand, but I got it at Wal*mart. The stupid spout leaks. That's not even the bad part, the bad part is that I've gone through three of these jars, and every single one leaked. Well, anyway, yesterday, this one just exploded tea all over my kitchen. It was a mess....I caulked up the spout of the last one I had with silicone, maybe I'll do it to this one too...


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