Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

yukky third shift

I found out yesterday that Mike's new job is going to be on third shift instead of second shift, which is both good and bad. See, it's bad, cuz it's third shift, and I always hated when he worked that shift. And not only that, but it doesn't even start till midnight. Yuck. But the good thing is that at least I'll see him...on second shift he would leave before I got home and he'd be asleep when I left...that would have been hard on the kiddos. Hopefully it'll only be for a little while, he said job openings are based on merit and not on seniority, so if a machinist position opens on a different shift he can get it...

Kindergaren is wearing Autumn out. They don't get naps, and so she's so tired by the time we leave, but she refuses to lay down and rest when we get home in the afternoon. She's been soooo grouchy! I can't wait till she gets used to it...


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