Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

AC in October

You know what's not fair? October's seven days away and I still have to run my air at night. And through the day, for that matter, but it's especially irksome at night. I want it to be cool!

Hockey season's almost here...I wish they'd broadcast preseason games. You can see football preseason games, why not hockey? Preseason's no fun when you can't see the games...

Autumn had had pictures yesterday, I'm glad that that's over with. My kids just don't stay clean, and so picture days are just a struggle. They still have more do do later this week; they got their fall and Christmas pictures already, but there's still the sepia portraits to do...I guess that's the good thing about private get really good pictures! Not like in public school where all the kids line up and get one shot...The bad thing is that then you have to choose which pictures you want and I always want them all; too bad I don't have fifty dollars to spend-and staff gets half off, too!


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