Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Friday, March 12, 2004


Mike's direct deposit today was only $213 instead of the $800 it should have been...I sure hope that's the money they owed him and not that they screwed up his check... although I'm betting on that they screwed up his check since last time they payed him money they owed him they put it on his check...arrgh!

I hate food in tubes. The idea of it is gross. Yogurt, pudding, jell-o; it's nasty! Autumn loves the yogurt in tubes. I'll buy it because it's the only way that she'll eat yogurt and I know it's good for you, but I won't watch her eat it. And while we're at it, I don't like this low carb craze sweeping across us. I like my carbs, thank you very much, and I'm worried that soon I won't be able to buy normal food!

I got the kid's pictures back already...they came quick this year! They turned out pretty good.

The Stars only tied last night, and San Jose won, thus putting the Stars three points back from first....


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