Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Friday, March 05, 2004

More money=good

I'm really glad it's Friday because I don't think I could make it through one more day! Autumn took a lunch last week on Friday, but then she decided that she wants pizza after all, so I didn't have to pack any lunches. Yay! I have to go to the grocery store today. Yuck.

Mike's taking a new position at work for more pay (yay!). He'll be on second shift for awhile, which doesn't really bother's third shift I don't like. He said that the second shift is temporary till the guy on first shift gets a new job-he went through fireman school- and then he'll be back to first. I forget what the job is- saw something?- but it's a step up from what he was doing, but still not machine operator, which is what he interviewed for. I forgot to ask how much it paid...

The Stars play tonight, I hope they can keep up the winning. I know they can't win every game, but they need the points! They've been winning so long that I'm afraid they'll stumble soon...I just hope it's not against San Jose on Sunday!


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