Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Friday, April 21, 2006


Yay!!! Playoffs start today!!! I'm so excited! Stars don't play till tomorrow; which is probably good given the way that they loafed through the last seven or eight games of the season. It looked horrible. But they'll have had three days off, plus they weren't playing for anything anyway, having already locked their position, so I should hope they'll look better come Saturday.

Mike finally traded in his truck yesterday. We both miss the truck, but we've been behind on the payments for who knows how long, so we really had to get something less expensive. I'm glad not to have the creditors breathing down our neck now!

And speaking of money, my mortgage payment, which I just mailed MONDAY, has already cleared the bank. Of course, being the largest check, they pushed it through first, giving us a huge list of NSF. Stupid bank. I know they're perfectly within their rights to push the biggest first, but it's still not fair. I could have only had the one fee, but, oh no, that would be too easy... I don't remember the last time we went a whole month without bouncing something. I hate living week to week!

I was in the shower the other day washing my hair when I realised that I had accidentally bought the wrong kind of conditioner. it was the right brand, but I usually buy the deep conditioning and this was just the regular kind. It was the wrong color, and it smelled foul, like plastic or dog shampoo. I used it because i didn't have anything else, but it was so stinky and I'm thinking I have to run to the store now and get the right kind.

Perversely, it works better. Weird, huh?


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