Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Monday, April 21, 2003

Yeah. It's Monday, God's own little joke on the world... I decided to change my major (again)...Graphic arts is (are?) fun, but it's such a broad set of topics that I feel that I'm starting to lose my sense of I've narrowed it some and decided to go after marketing. That sounds like fun, too...ay! so many decisions...I bought some carpet deoderizer today and discovered that they've changed to's horrible!
We had two people out at work, so needless to say, I had a FUN and EXCITING day! Plus the Big Boss is out till Thursday, so of course everyone tends to slack a little.. Brandon got Jonah (the VeggieTales movie) for Easter, and now we're watching it...again...for the third time...and wasn't Easter just yesterday? Good thing I like VeggieTales... And speaking of veggies, I stil have a drawer full in the fridge I need to cut up...guess I should get started...


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