Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


Arrrgh! Stars have dropped their last two... What happened? Don't they realise we need these points??

I have to take Brandon to the doctor today, he was up all night complaining about his ear. He seems better today, but I'm still gonna take him so he's not sick on his birthday! I have to make pirate cookies for his class today to take to school tomorrow for his birthday. That was really awkward sentance structure, was it not? But you get it. I still have to go to work for an hour or so until someone else gets there....I'm the only staff in the building until 7:00.

Brandon's party is this weekend...I just pulled one of the napkins out of the package. Man, this stuff is funny. I wish everyone could see the napkins and plates and things I bought... Anyway, the front panel has an explaination of how pirates pick their names. I pulled the napkin out and unfolded it, and it turns out all the other panels have stuff too, like "Pirates often carry their swords in their teeth, even though this practice is frowned upon by the American Dental Association" and "Pirates spend Sunday afternoons reading the color comics" and they have funny little illustrations...


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