Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Everyone loves a garage sale, part II

The garage sale went better than expected far we've made $132.00(ish). We'll wrap it up tomorrow, hopefully get rid of some more stuff. We did get rid of the bulky stuff today, even the washing machine, which kinda suprised me. I sold all of Brandon's Little People stuff cuz he never plays wih it any more...that stuff went really fast...

I had to unclog the vacuum again'd think I'd learn to pick up all the big stuff before I run the vacuum....oh well! Oh, I took that Adult ADHD test today...heh...turns out I'm hopeless. Topping the charts in ADHD-ness, it seems....My mom has sworn for years that I have it, but I don't believe in all that stuff. I'm just easily distracted and bored easily-and no amount of drugs are gonna change that! Sorry, docs! Anyway.

Still no word on Mike's joblessness...we're still hoping and praying! I hope he gets one by August....You guys be sure to let us know if you hear of anyone hiring machine operators!

I think I may start recording my dreams here. My dreams are usually highly entertaining for people to listen to, it might be an interesting diversion....maybe all you pretend psychotherepists can have a go at anaylzing me...


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