Life, Random Thoughts and a Fair Amount of Hockey

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What Olympics?

I usually watch the Olympics religiously. I'll watch Olympic anything! But this time around, I don't know, I just didn't get caught up in it. Except for curling; I like curling. Before the Olympics started, I heard that all the hockey games would be broadcast live! Great!! Oh wait, but then when you factor in the time difference, one realises that they're all played when normal people are at work...I saw a total of TWO Olympic hockey games. And I had the Finns pegged to win for sure, but they had to settle for silver. This year, I'm actually glad they're over...back to real hockey! 'Course, the fact that the US team sucked royally might have something to do with that...

Autumn's been sick with the flu. She missed school yesterday, hopefully she feels better today. I hate for her to miss too much and have a bunch of work to do.

I forgot to show Brandon's fundraiser to anybody and it's due next week. I did find the website though, so maybe I can work something out...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Wings, Birthdays and Olympics

It's only been eleven days since I've done this last...

I watched some of the opening ceremonies Friday night. It was a little...wierd, what with the dancing evergreens and the cow-print dancers and the dresses with the Alps on them. But all the people making the skier (skiier? How about ski guy...) was impressive. Been watching women's hockey the last two days. Canada's kicking some serious butt.

Wingcard Woes

Right before Christmas, I got a $25.00 giftcard to Wing Stop from a girl I work with.

I love hot wings. A whole, whole lot. I'd live on nothing but wings if I wasn't worried about the acidic sauce killing me. Yum. And $25.00, man, that's a lot of wings. I was excited.

Now, here's the problem. I work eight hours straight through; I don't take a lunch. Also, I can't go anywhere after work because I have to go pick up Autumn. But I figured I could use it on the weekend sometime...

Took it to Arlington and their gift card reader was broken. Tried to take it to Mansfield but we couldn't find the place. Took it to Cedar Hill and they weren't open yet. Then, one day, Mike had to come up to worl for some reason and he offered to get me some. Yay! So he took the card to the one in Mansfield (after we found out where it was) and guess what? They don't accept the gift cards!! So he took it up to Arlington and guess what? They don't open till 4:00 during the week!! Arrgh! So I still have a $25.00 card to Wing Stop I hope to use someday...

Brandon's birthday party is this weekend. He's having a Star Wars party and has a long list of Star Wars stuff he plans on getting. We'll see what we can do... Also this weekend is a three day weekend. Yay! I'm so happy!! I wish every weekend was a three day weekend.

Autumn still wants to ride the bus, so we'll see about that in the next couple of weeks, too. I don't know how well it'll work out.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Concern over the native intelligence of the mailman...

I have to tell you a story.

Last weekend, I wrote a check for Mike's truck payment, but not wanting it to clear before we got paid, I stuck a note on it that said "Mail Monday." So I get home Monday afternoon and of course Mike had failed to mail it and the mail had already come by. So I stuck it in the box.

Forgot to take the note off first.

Now, the note seemed pretty self-explanatory to me. Mail Monday. Just a reminder note, right?

Mailman didn't take it. Not only did he leave it in our box Tuesday, he put his own note on it.

"It is your job to mail this Monday. I cannot be held responsible."

Seriously. Did he think I expected him to turn back time? Are mailmen even allowed to leave stuff in a box if it's got postage and an address?

Anyway, I'm all out of time now, so I'll have to tell you about the game and the injury tomorrow...